Shipping & Delivery:

  1. What are your delivery times?

    We take 7-15 Working Days depending on the extent of workmanship to make and prepare your order to ship. Shipping depends on the Shipping Destination. You may find an estimated date of delivery under the product based on the date you place the order.

    If you have any specific questions please call us on 8104139700 or write to us on dobaariindia@gmail.com

  2. Do you offer international shipping?

    Yes, we offer international shipping.

  3. What are your shipping charges?

    Our shipping charges are calculated based on your order value and destination, ensuring fair and transparent pricing tailored to your specific needs.

    You will be able to view the final shipping charges in your cart once you are ready to pay. Kindly note that post dispatch delivery times differ based on your location between 4 to 10 working days from our studio in Jaipur.

    You can get more information on our Shipping Policy.

Exchanges & Returns:

  1. What is your return policy?

    You can check our Return/Exchange policy in Terms and Conditions below.

  2. How do I initiate a return or exchange?

    Return/Exchange your product in Initiate a return/exchange by entering your number and email to initiate. Just don't forget to read our return and exchange policies before proceeding.

  3. Are there any items that cannot be returned?

    Yes, Customised orders cannot be returned or exchanged.

Size & Fit:

  1. How do I determine my size?

    If you think our Standard Guide Size doesn't work for you, simply initiate your custom order or arrange a studio visit, please contact via email (dobaariindia@gmail.com) or phone (8104139700).

  2. Do you have a size chart?

    Yes, we have in Size Guide below.

Product Care:

  1. How should I care for my garments?

    Because they are all handmade, our products require your undivided attention and devotion. Pay close attention to the care label tag.

    Our products primarily favour dry cleaning exclusively.

General Queries:

  1. Do your products vary from the product photos on your website?

    One of the things that makes handmade products so unique and sought after is the fact that they can vary quite a bit from item to item and from batch to batch.

    While we work only with the best quality of yarns and materials, the humans behind the making of each product are unique, just like your order.

    Minor irregularities in handwoven fabrics are only a reminder of the human hands that made the fabric, and should not be considered a defect. Our embroideries are made with a strict check on the quality and color, extremely slight variations may occur from the style of one artisan to another.

    If there are any doubts about your order, we insist you talk to us at dobaariindia@gmail.com or just chat with us via WhatsApp (8104139700).

  2. What is the quickest way for me to contact you with a question?

    You can talk to us at dobaariindia@gmail.com or just chat with us via WhatsApp (8104139700).